OpatzLab Developmental Neuroscience

Developmental neuroscience

The rhythm and melody of a piece of music is only conveyed successfully by an orchestra when each note is precisely timed, and when each instruments’ „voice“ is synchronized. The brain can also be considered an orchestra, with different brain regions representing „instruments“ and each neuron being a precisely time note. As in an orchestra, these components must coordinate their parts to create a meaningful „melody.“ Network oscillations have gained interest as an energy-efficient strategy for the organization and communication both within and between brain regions. In humans and animals oscillatory brain activity emerges very early in life, being already present in utero. While it is now known that these oscillations actively contribute to sensory perception and cognition in the adult brain, their function during development is still largely unknown.
Our group aims at elucidating the mechanisms underlying the maturation of neuronal networks under physiological and pathophysiological conditions. In particular, we assess the role of early network oscillations for the development of local and long-range communication in the brain in relationship with the emergence of cognitive behavior and multisensory perception. For this, we combine state-of-the-art electrophysiological methods and optogenetics with imaging and behavioral assessment. The following main topics are currently being investigated:

• Development of neuronal networks accounting for cognitive processing

• Dysfunction of neuronal networks and their early oscillations under pathological conditions (e.g. neuropsychiatric disorders, perinatal hypoxia-ischemia, perinatal stress)

• Sensory control of the maturation of cognitive processing

• Uni- and multisensory processing and ontogeny

• Development of neuro-immune cross talk and its role for pathologies later in life

Latest Publications

  • We are happy to share our latest publication on Cell Reports

    A fascinating property of the brain is that a large number of parameters, ranging from the size of synapses to the power of extracellular currents, follow right-skewed and heavy-tailed distributions. Understanding whether this organization is hard-wired or it progressively emerges throughout ontogeny is of great importance. Does developmental learning fundamentally alter the structure of the […]read more

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Newest Tweets

Literature highlight of the week: Daume et al., show that activity of hippocampal neurons that are selective for specific image categories in a task performed by humans during working memory maintenance predicts the success of long-term memory encoding.

A new tool for visualising synaptic vesicle release sites: A Munc13-1-SNAP knock-in mouse line. It works with the help of a new chemical biology probe, by the one and only @BroichhagenJ

Opatz Lab
Developmental Neurophysiology